Domestic Labour Salon

During his residency Dr Per Silovsky will invite guests into his Domestic Labour Salon to discuss their thoughts and feelings about the nature of domestic labour. But while the focus will be on the latter, it’s hard to suppress discussion of other types of cleaning and so the Salon will be wide-ranging in content.

Reports of the conversations will appear as posts under ‘Domestic Labour Salon’ in sequence (#).

If you would like to offer your thoughts , please email me to initiate the conversation or alternatively express them below as a comment (of whatever length you fancy).

Thank you!

2 Responses to “Domestic Labour Salon”

  1. Rachel D July 31, 2012 at 15:21 #

    Dr Silovsky I will be following your progress keenly. Keen to discuss my thoughts on domestic labour.

    • wolflin July 31, 2012 at 19:23 #

      Hello, Rachel D! Good to hear from you. I hope you enjoy reading the blog, and after I’ve rolled up my sleeves for a day or two, perhaps we could arrange to discuss your thoughts on domestic labour in the Domestic Labour Salon.

      Yours obligingly,

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